Quit smoking is a blog created with the intention of helping people quit their smoking habit. 4th July is used as representing a new turning point in the American history, smokers can quit using 4th July as their major milestone & turn a new leaf and re-start their lives again.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
The first direct evidence has been found linking smoking to epigenetic changes in genes that help fight cancer. Reversing these changes may one day provide a new route to treating cancer.
Sunday, 3 October 2010

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You may find these links of value..How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes & Stop Smoking For Good - Yes, you CAN quit smoking cigarettes and stop smoking for good. You can quit smoking today, right now at this very minute. The reasons to quit smoking are well-known, and there are many ways to stop smoking which will help you lead a ...
What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking Cigarettes - What happens to your body when you quit smoking cigarettes? What happens after you quit smoking was one of the biggest questions I had on the day I decided to quit smoking once and for all. I already knew the benefits quitting would ...
Chantix – Miracle Drug Or Silent Killer? - Anyone who has tried to quit smoking understands the difficulty involved, the nicotine withdrawal, possible weight gain and anxiety. Since the tragic.
QuitSmoking Calculator
Price: $3.99
Zerosmoke Smoking Cessation Product

Price: $29.95
Saturday, 2 October 2010
The Quit-Smoking Guide for People Who Have Tried Everything and are Past the Point of Frustration

Price: $16.00
These articles and resouces may be of interest to you.
How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes & Stop Smoking For Good - Yes, you CAN quit smoking cigarettes and stop smoking for good. You can quit smoking today, right now at this very minute. The reasons to quit smoking are well-known, and there are many ways to stop smoking which will help you lead a ...
What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking Cigarettes - What happens to your body when you quit smoking cigarettes? What happens after you quit smoking was one of the biggest questions I had on the day I decided to quit smoking once and for all. I already knew the benefits quitting would ...
Chantix – Miracle Drug Or Silent Killer? - Anyone who has tried to quit smoking understands the difficulty involved, the nicotine withdrawal, possible weight gain and anxiety. Since the tragic.
Smokefree.gov - Learn about smoking in your state using our interactive map. Learn about your withdrawal symptoms
as you quit smoking. Send an online card to encourage someone to quit or to let your friends and family know you're planning to quit.Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community - QuitNet creates tailored smoking cessation and corporate wellness programs for public and private organizations.
Smoking and Tobacco Use :: How to Quit Smoking :: Office on ... - I QUIT! What to Do When You're Sick of Smoking, Chewing, or Dipping ... Article discussing FDA approved products that help you quit smoking. ...
Quit Smoking Monday Messages - The Meaning of Freedom when we Quit Smoking. Once we quit smoking, the word freedom takes on a depth of meaning it never had before. The benefits of better health and more money in our pockets only marks the beginning of the positive ...
QuitSmoking.com - The Quit Smoking Company Home Page Stop Smoking - Inside, you'll find lots of great information on how to quit smoking. You'll learn how to set a quit date, quit, and avoid weight gain. Learn ways to make quitting easier, even if you are a long-time smoker.
WhyQuit - the Internet's leading cold turkey quit smoking resource - Freedom is an open nicotine dependency recovery forum where 100% of the group's posts and materials are available to all, regardless of membership. A single-minded program, those applying for posting privileges must have quit all forms of nicotine delivery cold turkey within the past 30 days, without use of any products, pills, e-cigarettes or procedures, and remained 100% nicotine-free for at least 72 hours. A nicotine-free forum, any nicotine relapse - even one puff, dip or chew - permanently revokes posting privileges.
Quit Smoking Help and Quit Smoking Information ... - com and thanks for taking the time to visit our website. We are one of the most supportive, trusted and most frequently visited quit smoking resources on the Internet. Our primary goal is to provide you with outstanding quit smoking information, support, advice and products to help you in your desire to quit smoking.
Quit Smoking - Upgrade to Flash Player 10 for improved playback performance. Great Video About Smoking and what it does to you Students, Scholars, please. Students, Scholars, please feel free to use this video, download it, or share it.
View topic - Does Cymbalta Cause Weight Gain? - 15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 2, 2006Tried Zyban to quit smoking which I guess is Wellbutrin, but, after 3 days I felt like I had drank about 5 pitchers of coffee and it felt ...
Doc Vikingo's Scuba Clinic :: View topic - Champix and diving? - 4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 2, 2009What this tells you is, in someone who is on these drugs trying to quit smoking, you need to watch them for these events." ...
Joint and muscular pain after taking chantix - WrongDiagnosis.com - I took the new pill chantix to try to quit smoking about 8 weeks ago. 3 days after taking it I started to feel weak .... Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.7.6 ...
Quit Smoking | Reader's Digest - Wellness tile=3;sz=110x21;pos=1;ord=123456789? width="110" height="21" border="0" alt=""> With so many benefits of quitting your nicotine habit, the choice to stop smoking could be the best decision you'll ever make. The Great American Smokeout is the day to spotlight the dangers of smoking and encourage people to stop using tobacco. Light cigarettes may not be lighter on your lungs than regular cigarettes.
An exploratory study of a spiritual dimension in a quit-smoking program
Quit Smoking Liquid

Quit-smoking attempts among adult daily smokers in North Carolina: Results from the 1993-1998 NC Behavioral Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) (SCHS studies)
NOXO QuitSmoking Inhaler

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Friday, 1 October 2010
Misguided optimism among college student smokers: leveraging their quit-smoking strategies for smoking cessation campaigns.: An article from: Journal of Consumer Affairs
Citation Details
Title: Misguided optimism among college student smokers: leveraging their quit-smoking strategies for smoking cessation campaigns.
Author: Joyce M. Wolburg
Publication: Journal of Consumer Affairs (Magazine/Journal)
Date: June 22, 2009
Publisher: American Council on Consumer Interests
Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Page: 305(27)
Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning
Price: $9.95
The Easy Way To Stop Smoking & Be Forever Smoke Free with Subliminal Suggestions & Ambient Sound

Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D. studied for her Bachelor of Arts degree at Arizona State University, and received a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and Spiritual Counseling. She is a graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and studied with Dr. John Kappas. She is also a Qualified Mental Health Practitioner, a Vibrational Reiki Master and a Sound Energy Healer.
This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Price: $16.95
I love smoking a cigarette, but it's time to quit
I love smoking cigarettes and always, but it's time to quit smoking forever. The reason why the price of cigarettes has expensive habit of smoking.
Even when you drop down to discount cigarettes which do not taste like anything, you're still paying too much money.
Cost of smoking is good, but it's not the only reason either.
In truth, all just isn't fun any more.
Public smoking was banned in most States.You almost hide have smoke now a days.
In addition your old buddy smoke or quit himself died, leaving you no one enjoys cigarettes anymore.
So, for these reasons, I decided to join with non smokers while I love smoking cigarettes.
But I have to admit, it's hard to quit smoking cigarettes. I tried before and failed.
So this time I decided to combine two programs to stop smoking in one.
First I use CQ patches to combat my need for a cigarette. Patch s almost worked for me last time I tried to quit smoking but then I would just pull off the damn patch and start smoking and slap it back on again after I finish.
However, fear of nicotine overdose, I do not smoke while wearing the patch.
Then I started meditation techniques to help me relax, with the power of nicotine.
I learned that the two actually complement each other, because I can proudly say: I quit smoking cigarettes.
Meditation and patches have kept me 5 free smoke throughout the weekend.
This is a significant milestone for the person who once Smoked 2 and 3 packs a day, is now down to zero cigarettes per day.
If you're like smoke, but think you would be better to smoke, I highly recommend to buy patch, gum, or anything that can fight the urge and then go to http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-for-smokers and learn how effortlessly win game crazy cigarette plays with meditation and yoga.
Tips on how to quit smoking today
Select a date to stop smoking, giving yourself enough time to create a plan and get advice from other people who give up something, logging how often do you smoke and under what circumstances once you know your triggers, you can come up with strategies for overcoming them.
There is no single approach works for everyone and you can try several strategies for attacking the problem from a different perspective.Make sure that the URL of your physical dependence on nicotine, as well as your emotional triggers (stress, anger, boredom). login smokefree.gov explore your options.
Because smoking is part of your day, you need to form a new habit. Chew gum, rather than to drag in the afternoons, or play a computer game in place, your cigarette break. Avoid situations of lighting up-go to smoke-free restaurants, and if you puff away in your car, it was about getting rid of the smell.
You're the only one who can do yourself to quit smoking, but around yourself with friends, family and colleagues quitters can help you get through the difficult days.Choose someone who really wants to kick the habit and make him or her go-to person when craving hits. or call 800-QUIT now to speak with a quit coach in your area.
I know that every day you get without smoking is feat. keep yourself inspired to stick with it, remind yourself that your reasons for quitting, bigger than your cravings, and that you are capable and strong enough to make a lasting change in life.
For more quit smoking tips try visiting http://www.finally-quitsmokingforgood.com-a popular site for those who want to quit smoking, including information about how to use nicotine patches and gum nikotinovye as Zyban smoking cessation therapy and much more.
Quit smoking-keep busy and having fun
When you try to quit smoking, or do you actually go ahead with the release of the desire to be hard to resist the first few days and maybe more if your smoking continues longer than average.
Beating these cravings can be an overwhelming task without some guidance about what to do when the craving strike.This article is all about keeping busy while your cravings trying to take over and do you give. Cravings didn't last long, and find something to do in these times keeps your mind from picking up a cigarette.
What you choose to do will depend on the type of person you are.Think about what your interests and write a list of activities that can be run immediately when the craving, find your favorite from the list that you believe will keep your mind from cigarettes.
This exercise should be done preferably before quitting because when the craving comes, there's no need to think of a list of events, or anything else, but for non-smokers. entry in the list and think of tasks to switch your mind should not be too hard, but if you are having problems, here is a list of some activities, while others use collected from my website www.quitsmoking-online.com.
Thinking questions puzzling makes your brain to think in a different direction for smoking and just do one or two issues for desires will have enough time to pass.
Household chores
Ironing Board, washing or making the bed, home always need to do some will know better than others, but what makes these core tasks takes your hands and stop you thinking about power.
Online games
There are many online games can be found on the Internet and will always be one you haven't played before new and addictive game, it is enough for most people to turn off the engine.
These are just a few, and many others for different folks, the important thing is to do something, it is desirable to occupying your hands and not where you would normally smoke, many examples will be driving.
For more information about how to quit smoking, take a look at QuitSmoking-online.com
Stop smoking With hypnosis-explanation of how hypnosis stop you from smoking
As a former smoker and after trying a number of different methods of quitting, I know how hard it can be a kick the habit. It wasn't until I found a site that offers a 10 step program, quit smoking hypnosis that I finally was able to quit. In this article I'll explain why people find quitting and explain how hypnosis works to help you become a smoker is not so difficult.
Quit-probably one the most difficult challenges you will face and is something that requires a bit more than just a touch will power. When you smoke it might seem that smoking is just a natural part of who you are.That is why even though we now it will most likely end up killing us, we continue to make it so. smoking is an expert in tricking your subconscious mind.
Not only smokers believe that cigarettes are part of their identity, they also associate smoking some every day activities and personal emotions.This can include smoking in social situations, smoking while driving, smoking relax, smoking after a meal, etc. all these aspects of mental smoking built into your subconscious mind through years of repetition, and because the chemicals in tobacco to fool your brain into thinking that smoking is the only way to improve your mental well-being. The truth that smoking is not a part of who you are, and all these associations and the mental aspect of 100% false.
It is believed that 90% of thought and the choices we do, and how do we identify ourselves as done on a subconscious level. Therefore, when you're psychologically addicted to something, it's reprogramming your subconscious mind that change your beliefs. When you quit smoking with hypnosis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind that smoking doesn't seem like a natural part of who you are.
Hypnotherapy is a hypnotic suggestions, and other language templates that allow you to enter a highly suggestible yet focused state of mind. Hypnotic suggestion, which induces thoughts, feelings or actions could face hypnotised.And if you think you have hypnotised, then you are wrong, it was proved that everyone can go in the hypnotic state of mind.In fact we all live in a mild State of hypnosis, this might include the day when we sleep or unconsciously believe buying something, or whenever you are developing an automatic response to something.
Hypnosis for many centuries and proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve your personal well-being.Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a variety of aspects, such as stage fright, trust, brain power, phobias, addictions, and much more. Smoking is definitely what you need to change the way you think ... If you do not change the way to think about quitting you stand a very high risk of recurrence of further down the track.
Using Hypnotherapy stop smoking is the most effective way to change your smoking habits. I was a package in a day or more and if I can be a smoker to stop smoking with hypnosis, then so can you download 10 step stop smoking program of visiting this Web site [http://www.hypnosis-program-to-quit-smoking.com]