Thursday, 30 September 2010

Cigars and health risks!

Image stogie chomping powerful celebrity can be glamorous one that we all wanted to emulate several times, but many serious health problems caused by smoking a cigar and a growing fascination with long-term interest to health professionals and the general public.

Cigar smoking has many proven health hazards involved and not only for smoker; people who passively inhale smoke may be at higher risk of certain diseases.

In this way are the health risks of smoking cigars serious? in accordance with the National Institute on drug use tobacco kills more people than alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, traffic accidents, fire, and AIDS combined (annual statistics from the US). Scary!

When one considers that one cigar tobacco can contain more than the total package of cigarettes, and then the full weight of smoking risk begins to come to light.Add to that the components in cigars; these include a long list: nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, volatile aldehydes, formaldehyde, urethane, naphthalene, benzol, aromatic amines (carcinogens-2 naftilamina, 4-minobiphenyl), vinyl chloride (substances used to make plastics), ethylene oxide, arsenic, chromium. nitrosamines, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, cadmium, radioactive Polonium 210 and nitrogen compounds, nitrate and nitrite. Throw pitches in the equation too. Yuck!

Specific health problems associated with smoking a cigar, are many and varied, and considering that cigar manufacturers are not legally obliged to incorporate health warnings on packaging is really scary.


* Lung, mouth, lips, tongue, throat, esophagus, larynx (voice box), esophagus, stomach and pancreas.

* Chronic bronchitis

* Emphysema

* Exacerbation of asthma

* Ischaemic heart disease, stroke and heart attack.(One-fifth of the cardio-vascular diseases are associated with smoking).

* CVD, aneurysm.

* Chronic obstructive pulmonary (lung).

* Peridontal disease, tooth erosion, tooth and bone loss, stained teeth, chronic bad breath.

* Other chronic diseases of liver, brain, gastric problems, prostate problems, a rare form of breast cancer, lymphoma and leukemia: Some studies have shown that cigar and cigarette smoke may even be a factor for sudden infant death (SIDS).

Many cigar smokers have immediately increase blood pressure, pulse and respiration patterns when they quit the habit. great incentive to do so,!

Although some of the most famous cigar smokers, like the legendary George Burns live mature older, they tend to be an exception to the rule. media and Hollywood idealizirovannom cigars, but evidence of health risks is not negotiable. Cigar tobacco may be less chemically processed than tobacco cigarettes and light by inhalation, but less toxic smoke is a cause for serious concern.

According to Statistics the cigar sales increased by 50% since 1993, and every year, sold more than 5 billion!(It's almost a cigar for every person on Earth-Yikes!)

Cigars can be killed, no doubt about it!

And here's your bread!


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