Sunday, 5 July 2009

7611 People Quit Smoking, So can you!

This remarkable achievement, which has made headline news today, is a result of help and information that is available to people who want to kick their smoking habit. Quit smoking service is available in the North of England; North Yorkshire. Known as "York's quit smoking service", it has been very successful in helping people quit in the space of a year.

According to the North Yorkshire quit smoking service co-ordinator Margaret Hewitson, helping people to stop smoking is the key to improving the health of the individual smoker and the people around him/her. The affects of secondary or passive smoking which impact the health and thereby the lives of people around the smoker are eliminated altogether when a person quits.

Evidence suggests that there is a shift towards a free from smoking society. Smoking is seen more and more both as an anti-social habit and posing a risk to smokers’ health and others. Since the smoking ban came into effect in 2007 coupled with a series of hard hitting and graphic television advertising campaigns aimed at smokers there is greater awareness about the risks. The resulting change in attitudes towards this addiction is a testimony that the hard hitting massages work.

Research figures show smokers in the UK fell to the lowest level in 2007. UK smoking population fell to 21% of the total adult population. The most revealing statistic was that 66% of the smoking population expressed a desire to quit smoking. Accordingly, health issue was sighted as the number one reason for wanting to quit smoking.

The most compelling feature of this research was that there is a desire, a wish and a greater commitment on the part of the smokers to want to quit. The success stories that we are seeing are for the most part because people want to quit smoking for one of many reasons. Health, money worries, pressure from family, pressure from work colleagues and becoming a social outcast by virtue of ones smoking habits could influence a quit smoking decision.

The key that underpins wanting to stop smoking is a decision followed by action. According to Mrs James, who is now a reformed smoker, and I quote “I was shown a horrific film featuring a heavy smoker who developed throat cancer in his later life. He was talking through a pipe. I could not stop crying. That film put me off smoking in an instant and I have never looked back. It has been three years since I touched a cigarette”. What would to say to people who have million and one excuses why they cannot quit this habit? “Well, anyone can give up if they want to. It is as simple at that”

Finally, the quit smoking success stories fromYorkshire, the public record research data and our interview with Mrs James shows that quitting smoking is the best decision you can make. The alternative is either to become part of the statistics making up the numbers who die from smoking related conditions or add to the statistic of success stories. Become 7612th person to quit smoking. Do it now.

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